My Passion in Programming & AI

Good news: I won a Gold Award for the Hwa Chong Info-communications Challenge (HCIC) 2023!

This competition focused on three key areas: programming logic, the Python programming language, and robotics knowledge.

One of my greatest passions is programming. Believe it or not, I've spent half of my life immersed in learning programming, building games, and exploring the world of AI! It all started when I was just seven years old, and now, at the ripe old age of 12, I can proudly say that I've dedicated a significant chunk of my time to this exciting field. Who knew that a hobby I started at such a young age would grow into such a deep passion? But hey, I guess you can say I've been programming quite a lot since before I hit double digits!

My first coding camp (2017)
My classmates way older than I am

I started my programming journey of learning Scratch during my Primary one and two years. It was through Scratch that I first discovered the joy of exploring the world of technology and bringing my gaming ideas to life. The ability to create interactive stories, animations, and games sparked my curiosity and ignited my passion for programming.

My first scratch diploma (2019)
One year weekly scratch courses by Hetao to make 118 scratch projects

As I progressed in my programming journey, I embarked on a three-year program to learn Python programming in my P3, P4, and P5 years. Python has become an integral part of my programming repertoire, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of programming. I have not only learned the fundamentals of Python but also explored its various applications, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence.

My Python diploma (2020-2023)
Three year weekly Python courses by Hetao
1st year Python program by Hetao (2020-2021)
Python fundamentals, including flow control, loops, list, Numpy array, functions, and so on
2nd year Python program by Hetao (2021-2022)
Python advanced, including files IO, import and export data, pandas, matplotlib, Pygame, linear search and recursion algorithms, and so on
3rd year Python program by Hetao (2022-2023)
Python application in data science and AI, including decision tree, linear regression, KNN, k-mean, basic neural network, and reinforcement learning algorithms, and so on

The combination of programming and AI has inspired me, igniting a deep curiosity to further explore this field. During this summer holiday, while simultaneously preparing for the PSLE, I initiated a journey in which I learnt myself the principles of deep learning. I also participated in a part of deep learning university course offered by MIT (MIT Course 6.S191 link). This self-learning journey has greatly enhanced me in understanding the intricacies of deep neural networks, with a particular fascination for Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This showcases my eagerness to explore new horizons and my pursuit of pushing knowledge boundaries.

With my newfound knowledge, I decided to apply my skills to a real-life project in mouse-written number recognition. I developed a deep-learning-powered interactive tool capable of accurately recognizing mouse-written numbers. This project pushed the boundaries of my problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and innovative experimentation. It also allowed me to apply my knowledge of deep learning to a real-life problem, further enhancing my understanding of the subject.

Witnessing my interactive tool powered by deep neural network come to life was a tremendous moment for me. The superb performance achieved by my deep learning CNN model instilled a profound sense of fulfilment and fuelled my desire to dive even deeper into the limitless possibilities of programming and AI in the future.

I believe that programming and AI can make positive changes within our communities. AI has the potential to enhance accessibility, promoting inclusivity and providing everybody with equal opportunities. Furthermore, AI can optimize resource usage to foster sustainability. By pursuing a deeper understanding of programming and AI in high school and university, I aim to contribute to shaping a future where technology is harnessed for the betterment of society.

Programming and AI has become more than just a hobby for me; it has become a passion that drives me to constantly seek new knowledge and push the boundaries of what I can achieve. I am eager to continue my learning journey, further honing my skills and exploring the endless possibilities that technology offers.