KNN, Neural Network, Convolutional Neural Network classifier models
I trained three AI models, KNN, Neural Network, and Convolutional Neural Network models, on around 1500 mouse-written numbers, then using the trained models
to predict human mouse-writing numbers in real time and testing out their real life accuracy.
I backtested a well-known investment strategy (moving average strategy) on a few stocks in the tech sector and found out that the strategy does not add much value.
Here I built python codes to compare the performance of binary search to linear search in terms of their respective calculation speed.
I developed a model to recognise handwritten numbers and fashion items. I trained the Python based KNN, neural network (NN), and convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms on the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets.
Here are some other cool python algorithms:
1. [binary search implementation using recursive algorithm]
2. [quick sort algorithm using recursive method]
3. [ calculate the greatest common divisor(GCD) of a number using recursive algorithm]
4. [test if the number is a palindrome number]
5. [insert sort algorithm]
6. [selection sort algorithm]
7. [bubble sort algorithm]
and a lot more cool python algorithms...